Needless to say, it wasn't the smartest move the lad ever made. Although the Senate hastily granted amnesty to its most homicidal members, the people were less charitable. Brutus found himself haunted and hunted and, after losing a battle of epic proportions, took his own life. It marked the beginning of the end for the Republic. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.
Ben Bernanke, arguably the most powerful man in the financial world, has found himself in the crosshairs more than a few times lately. Although hired by Bush as his chief economist and later Fed Chairman, Republicans have been leading the assault. In turns, the bearded one has been accused of being too conservative, too aggressive, too dovish, too accommodative, too political, too aloof, too stilted, too talkative and...of course, too hairy.
Ron Paul proudly refers to himself as the thorn in Bernanke's side. Rick Perry warns that Bernanke will be "treated ugly" in Texas if he continues to print money so recklessly (not sure what that means, but I think it involves a pickup truck and 50 feet of chain.) On the other hand, Paul Krugman faults Bernanke for his "shameful passivity" and for "wimping out" and Maxine Waters wants him examined for signs of demonic possession. Even yours truly has disparaged the guy.
What everyone seems to have forgotten is that Bernanke, for all is faults, is their golden goose. He and his spawn are the only people on Earth willing and able to perpetuate the ponzi scheme that's preventing them from being lynched. Bernanke's no great fan of the American body politic. In fact, he lays the blame for the financial crisis squarely at politicians' feet. But, he understands that failing to keep the music playing will reveal the fundamental flaw in the way the economy has been run for the past, oh, sixty years.
In short, we industrialized nations have made too much money. In a world where billions work for less than a dollar a day, we've paid ourselves too handsomely. America, chief beneficiary of the world's reserve currency being the dollar, has particularly benefited. And, our financial system is outstanding at funneling excess liquidity into ventures in search of capital -- whether or not they make good economic sense.
And, so, we're left with bubbles -- both popped and in need of popping. The world can't afford cars, clothing or electronics made in the USA. So, those Americans whose employed in the making of things are, by and large, part of the bubble. Many of our services, crops and natural resources are, likewise, overpriced in a global economy. And, thanks to the wizards of Wall Street, assets in this country are burdened with debt in excess of their ability to service it.
And, so, on we go -- creating out of thin air the trillions needed to fool people into believing the economy is doing just fine. Bernanke knows how this ends. Because, whether it's $20 trillion, $30 trillion or $50 trillion, there will come a point of recognition when those we count on to finance our deficits will find other bubbles in which to invest. In other words, the music will stop. And, the man who let it happen will draw his toga across his face and await his fate.
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